Total Acccess Private Journey

Have you ever felt there has to be more to life than this?
Has it been a hustle to get where you are with no true contentment or inner peace.
The growing intolerance for the way things are is actually a sign that something has taken center stage in your life. It is fighting for dominance against your own internal sense of truth that is stronger and more capable than even you can imagine.
That something is EGO, a manufactured identity that eclipses who you really are at your core, submerging your true essence and your deeply felt purpose for living.
Because EGO is originally created to help you survive, you may still believe that it serves you. But the more you bend to its control, the further removed you become from YOU, your true power, sense of freedom and limitless creativity.
As a Master Total Access™️ Coach, my mission in life is to enable you to access the unique design of this “survival mechanism”, your EGO, and to learn how to outwit the old design so your true self is the creator of your life, not the default reactive mechanism that keeps getting you in trouble.
My TOTAL ACCESS PROGRAM is a 3-month 1:1 process that uncovers and renders harmless the designed identity that is your EGO.
Step #1 – Ego Deconstruction
- Understand the 4 walls of the ego’s winning side, what it provides and what it costs you
- Understand the destructive side of your ego and how damaging it is for you and others
- The events of the past loosen their grip and you get to let them go
- You see how your life is a repetition of the same events and feel compassion for people who remain unaware (including for yourself before now).
- You see life happening for you, not against you, giving you what you need even if it’s not what you want.
Step #2 – Clearing the Lineage and Family System
- Understand how you fit in a larger system to release burdens and only carry on with gifts
- Clear the pull to draw within the lines out of fears that may be coming to you from your ancestors rather than from your life experience
- Uncover what is working against you, if at all, so that you experience yourself as a fulfillment of the dream of your ancestors
Step #3 – Soul Essence and Soul Intention
- Allow yourself to recognize and be moved by who you really are, your True Self – your Soul Essence
- See the perfect logic of how hard your ego tried to get you to expand and why it could never have you align with your Soul Intention
- You learn how to stay on path
Step #4 – Create Your Archetype and Mission
- In the world we live in, while your Soul Essence is your source, you need a conscious ego, or an archetype to fully play the current game of life.
- Your archetype is created and can be recreated.
- What you need then is a vehicle – Mission, that is a possible way to fulfill on your soul intention. And if you already know your Mission, you will be able to bring to it a whole new perspective and appreciation.
When you allow yourself to disocever how your identity (ego) gets created, recognizing that you are the one who decided who you were and had to be, you will:
- Be present to love and compassion for all people
- Experience unlimited power
- Have confidence to adventure into uncharted territories
- Feel inner peace and freedom to be you
When YOU design your life